Find Your Balance




Stress is inevitable. Whether it be about sports, school, work, family, or just life, it happens to everyone. But, how you choose to deal with it makes a difference in the end. The common reaction to stress is to just give up and stop everything. Ignoring your stress can be the most destructive thing to do.

There are many ways to cope with stress, and some ways work better for different people. Senior Sarah Thompson shares how she deals with stress and how it affects her.

“Trying to balance sports and school along with responsibilities at home and getting enough sleep is probably what stresses me out most. I try to deal with it by taking time to relax and giving myself downtime,” Thompson said.

Other ways to cope with stress are to do activities that will get you to clear your head and relax for a bit, such as running, listening to music, taking a hot bath, or just hanging out with friends.

“When I’m stressed I listen to music, and sometimes going on a run helps,” junior Abi Jindra said.

Coping with stress also includes telling yourself that everything will be okay in the end and to not dwell on the negative things. The more you think about the negative things, the more stressed you will become and it will never get better.

“Just realize that the world won’t end. You want to do well in school, but it’s not a big deal if you don’t. You just need to work hard, and you’ll be fine. There’s a quote that says ´In the end, everything will be okay and if it’s not okay, it’s not the end,´¨ said Thompson.