Top Ten Ways to Prepare for College

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Top Ten Ways to Prepare for College

Transitioning from high school to college life is a big change in a student’s life, and this transformation can be stressful if you are not prepared for it.  Not knowing where you want to apply or what classes to take is a common factor that leads to stress and indecisiveness.  With colleges becoming more competitive every year, students need to learn how they can increase their chances of being successful. These are the top ten ways to easily prepare for the next chapter in your life.

  1. Get Involved

Finding something in high school that you love doing is a good way to show colleges your interests and set yourself apart from other applicants.  For example, get involved in sports, music, art, leadership, etc.  Being a part of extracurricular activities is appealing to colleges and can increase your chances of getting accepted to colleges you want to go to.

  1.  Challenge Yourself

Colleges look over students who are simply just trying to “get by”.  Challenging yourself by taking AP or honors courses to prove that you are willing to go above and beyond will attract colleges. Succeeding in AP courses can also allow students to complete some college credit, which will be beneficial in the long run.

  1. Don’t Delay

Take the PSAT multiple times as a sophomore and junior to help you prepare for the SAT and ACT that you will be taking your junior year and possibly as a senior.  Take advantage of this time to focus on studying for these big tests by paying attention in your math and english courses as well as buying an SAT practice book.

  1. Ask For Help

Asking a teacher or student for help in a difficult class is an easy way to improve your grades and understand the material.  If you’re having trouble with college applications or where to apply, talking to your counselor can be very beneficial.

  1. Read on your Free Time

Reading for an extra 30 minutes each day outside of homework and studying can really increase your knowledge in the long run.  This can also help with your SAT and ACT scores.  The more you read determines how much knowledge you obtain.

  1. Do your Own Work

Copying homework from your friends or not studying for difficult tests on your own will not ensure your success in the future.  If you don’t start doing the work yourself, how will you be able to keep up with your work in college?

  1. Grow your Technical Skill Set

Part of college readiness includes being able to have a good amount of knowledge on technology.  This is essential when it comes to completing homework assignments and projects in college, so sharpening up your technical skills before college is a great way to prepare for it.  You can do this by improving your keyboarding techniques or becoming more skilled when researching for information.

  1. Improve your Social Skills

These skills will be very important in college when it comes to communicating with college professors as well as collaborating with other students on a project.  This skill will be especially beneficial when applying for a job during or after graduation. That being said, take a step outside of your comfort zone in high school and communicate with new people in order to improve your social skills.

  1. Learn how to Manage your Time

Embracing time management skills early can make college life easier when it comes to balancing your social life with academics and extracurricular activities.  To get a head start on this skill, plan out your day efficiently so you don’t procrastinate or waste any time when it comes to completing homework or projects.

  1. Remind Yourself that this is a New Experience for Everyone

Knowing that everyone else is in the same boat as you can be a stress reliever for incoming college students.  It’s important to not feel overwhelmed by the idea of starting a new chapter in your life.  Although this is a drastic change for you, wrapping your head around the fact that everyone is dealing with the same change is a good way to relieve the stress of college.