Main Street Munchies
Most freshmen aren’t always sure where to go for lunch off campus. A new environment with more freedom when it comes to lunch, right? What do we do with it? Well whether you’re a Freshman or just new to Ripon, here’s a list of places, recommended by other students, to go during lunch break!
12:15 to 12:55, you can walk downtown and grab lunch from a number of places! From Dollar Tree to Pizza Plus, there are so many places to choose from. Need cheap and delicious ideas? Plenty of students on campus were asked the general question ‘where do you like to eat?’
“Coffeehouse! I don’t go to many places other than Pizza Plus? Then probably Ede’s” said Kaitlyn Espinola, Sophomore.
The Coffeehouse has a bunch of things. From sandwiches to pastries to coffees to smoothies, they have it all! And it’s not overly expensive either. It’s about a 13 minute walk from the high school, plenty of time to get there and back and have leftover time to socialize.
“Pizza plus has the $3 student deal during lunchtime.”, Mackenzie Perry, Junior.
That’s a pretty good deal! 3 dollars? For a slice of pizza? Affordable and the pizza is great, totally worth it! The Coffeehouse and Pizza Plus are both cheap, popular, and delicious lunch options, but you better get there quick because the traffic and wait can be pretty wild!
Other students also find themselves around the Ripon Mini-Mart or Dollar Tree for quick, cheap snacks. At the Mini-Mart, most drinks are around $1.50-$3.00 and most snacks vary from around $5.00-$8.00. Not too bad! Obviously Dollar Tree everything is $1.00 which is probably why it’s such a hotspot for high school students.
A good, solid list of places for lunch, based on the student bodies responses, could include- Pizza Plus, Dollar Tree, Ripon Coffeehouse, Ripon Mini-Mart, Ede’s, and Isabelle’s! Need more ideas? Ask around!
An important thing to think about through all of this is time. Most things in downtown are about a 5-10 minute walk from the campus. Make sure you are watching out for wait times and long lines, you certainly don’t want to be late for 5th period! Definitely don’t need unnecessary tardies just because of a long line. Just make sure you manage your time to the best of your ability throughout all of this.

Ollie Roberts is currently a freshman and is President of both Drama Club and Crystal Club, as well as a part of JROTC and GSA. She really enjoys skating...