Suicide Prevention Awareness Month
September is Suicide Prevention Awareness month. Suicide Prevention Awareness month was founded in 1975. This is a very important month because many people experience loss due to suicide. Suicide Prevention Awareness month was toned down and not a lot of people knew or understood the importance of this special month. Suicide prevention should not be forgotten or pushed aside. Many families have delt with loss from the cause of suicide. This month should be recognized and heard.
According to the American Association of Suicidology, more than 44,000 suicides occurred in the U.S. in 2015, which translates to 121 suicides per day. Suicide is a serious subject and a very emotional thing to talk about.
Suicide is very preventable and sadly, very common. We need to protect and care for our community. There are so many ways to stop suicide. The three outs for suicide are, reach out, workout, and time out. Reach out, talk to a family member or trusted adult. Work out, figure out what is best for your situation and workout your problems. Time out, relax, take a break and have time off.
Suicide Prevention Awareness month is an important topic around the world. It should not be overlooked or forgotten. Many people around the world have suffered due to loss of family from suicide or suicidal thoughts. Suicide is a significant worry around the world, it’s okay to talk about it with family or a trusted adult. Do not be scared to talk to someone to get the help you need. Care for eachother, if you see the warning signs for suicide, tell an adult or get them the assistance they need. The National Suicide Lifeline is 1 (800) 273-8255. You shouldn’t be afraid to call and talk to get the guidance you need.
“Soak up the views. Take in the bad weather and the good weather. You are not the storm.”Matt Haig, Author.

Emily Paxton is in her freshman year at Ripon high school. It is her first year being involved in Smoke Signal News. She is so excited to write and participate...