Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Breast Cancer has always been a serious topic due to the level of how extreme this disease is and can become. Breast Cancer is a cancer that forms in the cells of the breast that cause the cells to grow out of control. Many symptoms for people who have this include lumps in the breast or armpit areas, thickening/swelling of breast, irritation, redness, flaky skin, and more. If someone has these symptoms and has not been diagnosed, it is highly recommended to talk to a doctor, who might suggest an invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC) for proper diagnosis.
“1 in 8 U.S. women will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of her lifetime,” according to
In October of 1985 is when the first organized movement brought attention to the dangers of breast cancer, which thereforth started a National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. It wasn’t until 1992 that the pink ribbon for breast cancer awareness was created by Alexandria Penney (the editor-in-chief of Self Magazine), which has now developed into people everywhere wearing pink ribbons or really any pink to show support during the month of October.
“I do believe there is a lot of support that people do by wearing pink and having pink decorations and there possibly is more medical stuff I don’t see like support groups, but appearance wise, wearing pink does help the patients that do have it be more positive about it,” stated Dillan Deleon, Junior.
Some popular and more well known breast cancer awareness organizations that anyone can donate to include American Cancer Society,, Breast Cancer Research Foundation, Living Beyond Breast Cancer, and honestly so many more.
“It’s bigger than what we expect and I actually know a few people who have breast cancer. It’s very sad and does affect them and is a lot to take mentally,” stated Deleon.

Jenny Pfeifer is a Junior at RHS. This is her third year being a part of RHS Smoke Signal and FFA. Her favorite part of Journalism is being able to know...