Drama club is an organization that works together year round to create a play for Ripon High at the end of the school year. Throughout the year they get together at least once a week to plan for their future performances. This club helps build bonds with new people and provides opportunities to step out of your comfort zone at the end of the year.
Sophomore, Molly Berger, who is continuing the club for her second year, says, “It’s a lot of fun and you get really close with the people you do it with, so you make a lot of new strong bonds.” The club also helps you go out of your comfort zone and builds life long skills such as talking in front of an audience.
“What motivates me is probably the fact I’m going to have to perform on a stage with all those people watching,” says Berger. Drama Club is always looking for new members to grow the drama community and is a perfect opportunity to get involved around Ripon High. Go sign up for some drama at Ripon High’s Club Rush on Friday, Aug. 25th!