Behind the English Learners Development ( ELD) program is a new Ripon High staff member, Alejandra Lepe. Lepe is new at RHS and teaches ELD I, ELD II and English Intensive. She grew up in Ceres and commutes from there everyday. Some activities Lepe enjoys doing are shopping and working out at the gym.
Lepe’s inspiration for becoming a teacher was her family, but mainly her father. Her dad is a Mexican immigrant and never got the opportunity to have an education. Lepe’s father pushed her hard to accomplish more things in life.
“He always made it a point to do well and focus on my education; he pushed us to do good,” Lepe states. “He wanted us to have a career of our own.”

When Lepe saw the opportunities her dad never got, that pushed her to do well in school. She ended up really enjoying school and knew she wanted to come back to the school environment. Lepe continued her education and went to Stanislaus State University and majored in Spanish.
While being here at RHS she hopes to help students and other people who may need it. That is why she wanted to be a teacher to help others. Lepe wants to have an impact on the school and the students. A program she wants to have an impact on is the ELD program. She hopes her presence in the program can improve it and will cause her students to be more interested in what they are learning. Lepe wants the best for her students and wants them to succeed because of her helping hand.
If you ever see Lepe walking around, welcome her and show her some kindness!