Students are taking math honors, but why? People take math honors because they want a challenge and to learn the material quicker than regular math would teach it, but there are also students who just want to take the class to get a higher GPA while taking the class.
There are most likely students that take math honors because they thought the class was weighted. It may be true that students stop taking this honors class because of the realization that it doesn’t affect their GPA and it is a more difficult class without the grade advantage.
The problem with taking the class is math honors isn’t weighted. Math honors should be weighted because it’s a harder class than math 1. RHS Freshman, AJ Swanson, says, “I think math honors should be weighted because it’s an honors class and English honors classes are weighted so I feel as if math honors should follow in that pattern.”
If AP and other honors classes are weighted, why is math honors not? Other high schools like Mountain House High School allow approved honors courses to be weighted, but why not Ripon High School?