Which couple knows their partner best? The Sweethearts Rally was held on Feb. 9 and there were five couples that participated in the Newlywed Game. The five couples were seniors Kylee Brown and Cole Swafford, Jaycee Wilhmhurst and Dawson Downs, Dario Parenti-Gomez and junior Maggie Diego, juniors Kennedy Winter and Mateo Elisary, and special guests Mr. and Mrs. Bowers. There were various questions asked and some were if they knew their partner’s favorite sandwich or what their favorite pizza is.

The final couple that knew each other best were Brown and Swafford. They’ve been together for over two years and eight months and it all began when they had health class together, so when it came to knowing specific facts about each other, it was fairly easy.
After the game, multiple students showcased various outfit ideas that couples could wear to the Sweethearts dance on Feb. 15. Everyone enjoyed the rally and we all can’t wait for the upcoming dance!