Valerie Chun is a very accomplished student here at Ripon High. She is a junior and has greatly benefited our school. She is a very successful public speaker and is currently helping build the speech and debate program on campus. She also participates in swim all year round for both club, and highschool. Some hobbies that she engages in are listening to music, thrift shopping, rock climbing, and getting coffee with friends. She just recently won the Ripon Rotary Club speech contest. Chun has also been involved in many other speech contests like the districts and Lion’s club.
When asked why she wanted to continue in these contests she said,” Just the practice mainly for speech and debate because it’s my passion for public speaking, and also my career path of law.”
While it was still difficult having to consistently train and practice the same speech over and over again, that didn’t stop Chun. She is truly a very impressive student who never fails to inspire those around her.