On Saturday, May 3, the Ripon High band rose nice and early to make a long drive to Valejo, to compete at Six Flag’s Music in the Parks for the first time. Band director Byron Yerzy booked the first performance of the day, which took place at one of the high schools just a couple miles down the road from Discovery Kingdom. From there, band members stopped for breakfast and made it to the park before it even opened. From that point on, they were given complete freedom to roam the parks and ride their share of thrills for the day.
“It was an awesome day and I can’t wait to do it again or even advance to Disneyland performances next year,” said sophomore Macy Cordero. The band entered for a judgement rating, instead of a placement, and scored just one spot below near perfect with an “excellent” rating and a nice trophy to go along with it. Mr. Yerzy saw it as a great success and all band members are anticipating their next moment to experience great music, and high thrills.
By: Nick Bartlett