Varsity Girls basketball had a tight game on Jan. 14 against Orestimba, ending with a score of 41-38. The girls had the lead the whole game and kept it, even when the score got close. Around the 3rd quarter, Orestimba caught up and the score got tight, but the RHS girls were able to pull through.
“It’s intense, and it gets you at the edge of your seat to be in such a close game,” junior, Scarlett Ponce says, “ I don’t think it had to be that close, but we tend to stoop down to the other team’s level when we realize we are in the lead.”
This season, girls basketball’s record is 4-0 in league games, and 11-9 overall. Their overall record compared to their league record shows us that the team has stepped up and are ready to play for the games that truly matter.
Senior, Leila Sanchez, has been playing basketball since third grade. “We’ve been improving since our first game, our defense is getting better and our team chemistry is getting stronger.”
As the season goes on and the team keeps improving, our seniors are also getting closer to graduating. Sanchez plans to play at Modesto Junior College, or Delta College when she graduates from Ripon High School. Her favorite memory this season has been the Tracy tournament.
As the basketball season slowly starts to get closer to the finish line, make sure to go support our Lady Indians!