On Jan. 11, 2025, six members from Ripon High School Choir attended and participated in the High Schools Honor Concert at San Joaquin Delta College in Stockton, CA. This event was intended to give high school scholars around the district an opportunity to connect with like-minded peers and gain experience in the subject of music.
Before students were allowed to take part in this experience, they had to partake in auditions and practices.
“We had two rehearsals in Nov.,” states Chloe Lautenslager, a senior who performed in the event. “Everybody came together. We just started learning the pieces and got the music.”
Within the first week of Jan., the choir students assembled together to put in more hours before their show.
Chetan Harvey, another senior who participated, said,“There was one all-day rehearsal. We had a guest conductor come from east of Tennessee state to lead the music”
Eventually, the High Schools Honor Concert arrived on the second Sat. of Jan. The sound of glee and gratitude could be heard throughout the whole performance.
“We sang with some of the best musicians around the county,” Harvey commented.
Lautenslager adds, “Overall, it was just an amazing experience getting to perform with such a large group. There were about 115 people. Feeling the power and the voices of everybody combined, it’s really something. It’s magical.”
The 2025 High School Honors Concert will be forever known as a time of delight for those that were involved.