The last round of Mock Trial has commenced. On Feb. 18, Mock Trial’s defense team traveled to the San Joaquin County Superior Courthouse to compete in their last “match” of the season. Performance has significantly improved since their first round a couple of weeks ago. Prosecution attorneys Brodie Alcala-Alves and Marko Ethan Nino Arceo argued the best they could and had a really good performance. The pre-trial lawyer Presley Chandler, clerk Sienna Pimentel, and witnesses Ajit Johal, Emilie Valles, Mackenzie Breunig, and Gurnoor Dhaliwal also performed really well. The jury and the judge both gave constructive criticism that will definitely stick with the team, which will be a huge help.
“Our whole team did extremely well, and myself, I feel as if I’ve improved vastly over the first couple of rounds,” exclaimed Johal, a witness for the prosecution team and a pre-trial lawyer for the defense team.
Because this was the last round, Mock Trial is officially done for the season. This was Ripon’s first year participating in Mock Trial and after this, the team is now more experienced and ready to do better next season. If you want information on how to join the team to prepare for next season, don’t hesitate to ask Mr. Brown!