The week of August 14th through August 18th is Club Rush Week at Ripon High school, the first full week of school. Being the, “World’s Greatest High school”, spirit is a major part of it. All of administration emphasizes how we want to be the greatest high school and spirit is a big part of it.
RHS Club Rush Week is what starts the school off to a great year. Dressing up for each club everyday and the class color to show your pride, ending the week off with the school BBQ during lunch and at night with the back to school dance. Also, you can sign up for clubs during lunch in what interests you.
Will Stanford says, “ Signing up for clubs is the best thing to do i joined 12 this year and will plan to join more.”
More and more clubs get added each year allowing each student to choose one where they feel will fit in. Joining the tribe is probably the best thing to do to be involved with the the school. It is highly mentioned at RHS to create the hype so that everyone looks forward to the games, dances, etc.
The teachers at Ripon High love getting involved with the school dressing up just like the students do. Being students we should all dress up so everyone will want to as well. This is a week where everyone comes together to show off their school spirit, looking forward to the whole school year! #Jointhetribe