RHS Cheerleaders Jump to the Top

Ripon High School’s Cheer team went to Regionals both in Deer Valley and Del Campo taking home a first place win, beating last years first place champion at both competitions.
At the first competition in Del Campo, the lady Indians had a miss communication and ended up performing with no music, only with counts.
Cyanne McKibenn states, ” It was terrifying knowing that our music did not work, but I knew our team would be able to go through this and still fight for victory. ”
In the first competition, they went up against three teams including, Del Mar, Pleasant Valley, and Chico High Schools.
In the end, Ripon High took first, Pleasant Valley second, Chico third, and Del Mar in last place.
Each team dedicates numerous hours to the sport, to perform on the mat for only two and a half minutes.
Coach Tara Kriletich says, ” They really do try their hardest, even when noses are bleeding, sweat’s dripping everywhere; they dedicate themselves to this sport. ”
In the second competition, the Lady Indians got themselves in a bit of trouble. When a lady walking out of a room let them come in to practice stunting, they got caught.
They had no idea that is was against regulation because it had been offered to them. Pleasant Valley and Chico High school reported them to officials of the United Spirit Association (USA) and had them go to the scene where the regulations were violated.
The Lady Indians did not get any points deducted and it only motivated them to beat the other teams.
Cheerleader Jianna Velez says, ” It was terrifying having people look through the window seeing us stunting, but once we saw it was Pleasant Valley and Chico aligning together to tell on us. It only motivated us more. ”
During the seven minute practice time teams get on the mat, the Lady Indians showed everyone that they did not need this much time. They hit each of their stunts on time, and left the mat, leaving 5 minutes of the mat empty.
Cheerleader Gracyn Adolfson says, “It intimidates other teams, watching a team only do their stunts one time and get off the mat, but it makes our team feel good. ”
It was a flawless routine with zero deductions and a lot of energy on the dance floor. Pleasant Valley and Chico got deductions for dropping their stunts.
In first place was the Lady Indians, second was Pleasant Valley losing by one point, placing third was Chico, and Castro Valley in last place.
Cheer parent Chuck McCrory says, “I have gone to every competition these ladies have competed in and that was perhaps the best I have seen yet! I am so looking forward to Nationals! ”
At both competitions, they qualified for Nationals which will be taking place during February 23-25 in Anaheim, California.