Fontillas Makes It To The Top 6%
This year Ripon High senior, Donny Fontillas, joined the states best to wrestle at the CIF State Championships at the Rabobank Arena in Bakersfield. After blazing through league with a record of 32-4, Fontillas went on to crush masters and make it to state racking up 8 wins and 4 losses throughout his impressive run. Unfortunately, Fontillas suffered losses in his first two matches in Bakersfield and wasn’t able to advance.

Fontillas spent his past four years and more preparing for the event. Spending time at workouts and weeks at summer camps over the years in an effort to improve and get as far as he did.
“I’ve dreamed of going to state ever since I was seven. It was a big deal to me for my dream to come true,” said Fontillas.
Fontillas was met with tough competition throughout the season, yet his biggest challenges came at state after losing his first match of the tournament.
“I just wasn’t on my game, after losing my first match it really threw me off. At a tournament like state there isn’t much room to hesitate. All the other guys there are the same as you or even better,” Fontillas said.
Throughout his campaign, Fontillas was met with lots of challenges, but received support from friends and family along the way, the most influential were his parents. Who have supported him and encouraged him to do his best throughout his wrestling.
“My parents have always been there to motivate and support me. They’ve always helped me to get better and let me go to camps all over the state,” Fontillas stated.
Out of the all the wrestlers in the state, only 6% of them are able to advance to the CIF State Championship. In the most populous state in the United States that’s an impressive feat. Although he didn’t make it to finals, Fontillas still proved himself among the best high schoolers.
“I’m glad I was able to make it so far and be among the top six percent of wrestlers in the nation. It was a huge feat no matter how far I got,” said Fontillas.

Will Sanford is a junior at Ripon High School. He has been the Sports Editor for the past two years and enjoys writing about sports. Will also likes to...