Dodgeball Champions Crowned
It’s been an eventful week as Ripon High’s annual dodgeball week took place. After fighting for it all week, the winning team has finally taken the crown.
The Jersey Boys won the championship. The players on the team were Michael Winters, Austin Garth, Ngyuen, Jacob Gahm, Carlos Candido, Spencer Schroen, Eric Jacques, Mason Henry, Jake Komatsu, Donnie Cooksey, and Brandon Rainer.
The game was commemorating coin wars, the charity effort run by Leadership to raise money for a particular cause. This year they raised money for animal shelters.
The team they won against was the Dingles. The players on the team were Trent Hoss, Mr. Perez, Ty Wells, Mitchell Ulrich, Brandon States, Riley Machado, and Zach Angel.
Both teams labored diligently to win the championship, but there can be only one victor. It just so happened to be the Jersey Boys.