Swinging into MLB Dress up day

Hello baseball season! Because baseball season has arrived, Ripon High put on MLB dress up day on April 6. This day included students from the school to represent their favorite MLB team(s)!

So who’s your favorite team? Why do you like that specific team, or maybe two? We asked the same questions to students around Ripon High, and even one of our lovely teachers!

“I’ll forever be a Dodger fan. No matter how hard it is to sometimes admit it,” Brandon Rainer, a Dodger fan at heart states. According to Rainer, his dad grew up in Los Angeles, who made him only watch the Dodgers while growing up. It’s pretty obvious Rainer isn’t going to betray his loyal team at any time!

Jerry Nix, a junior here at Ripon High who also plays on the Varsity baseball team, mentions his favorite team happens to be the Dodgers’ rivals. Just like Rainer, Nix grew up watching the San Francisco Giants play the game of baseball.

“I enjoy MLB dress up day because it’s cool to see all of the jerseys that people own and who likes what teams,” Nix states while wearing a San Francisco Giants jersey.

Mrs. Pendleton rocking her Oakland A’s crocs, on MLB dress up day!

A Ripon High favorite teacher, Mr. Pendleton, is also a lover of a California team. The Oakland A’s have captured Mrs. Pendleton’s heart since she was 18 years old, especially since her husband is an A’s fan, it makes the process staying loyal to the team easier.

“Yes I enjoy MLB day because it’s fun to see people decked out in A’s gear. It’s nice to see people wear stuff other then A’s and Giants; there’s a variety”, Mrs. Pendleton mentions.

MLB dress up day is an event that will occur in upcoming years. Next year make sure to represent your favorite MLB team from head to toe!