Is it Possible to Visit the 7 Wonders of the World in One Month?
The world of full of marvelous sights, breathtaking views, and spectacular scenery. Most of us can only dream of taking time out of our busy agendas to explore and travel the world.
Chances are most people have heard about the seven wonders of the world. Most of us would love to see the sunrise over the Taj Mahal in the morning and stargaze in Machu Picchu by sunset. But can someone travel to all the 7 wonders of the world in just one month? Here’s the break-down:
The Colosseum:
Flight Time: 13 hours 40 minutes (San Francisco Airport to Rome, Italy)
The Pyramids of Giza:
Flight Time: 3 hours 25 minutes (Rome Italy to Cairo, Egypt)
Flight Time: 1 hour 15 minutes (Cairo, Egypt to Amman, Southern Jordan)
The Taj Mahal:
Flight Time: 6 hours and 20 minutes (Amman, Southern Jordan to Agra, India)
The Great Wall of China:
Flight Time: 7 hours (Agra, India to Beijing, China)
Chichen Itza:
Flight Time: 18 hours (Beijing, China to Yucatan State, Mexico)
Machu Picchu:
Flight Time: approx. 6 hours (Cancun, Mexico to Cuzco, Peru)
Christ the Redeemer:
Flight Time: 8 hour 35 minutes (Cuzco, Peru to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Final Verdict: It is absolutely possible to visit all 7 wonders of the world in one month. In fact, you would even spend more time enjoying the sights than you would be traveling. It would approximately take you only 64 hours and 15 minutes of travel on an airplane, which is a little over 3 days. Visiting the 7 wonders of the world, would be stunning, and totally worth it.

Deven Stokes is a junior at Ripon High School. She is in her second year as an Editor and first year as an Editor-in-Chief on the Smoke Signal staff. She...