Groundhog Day
Every year on February 2, a groundhog named Punxsutawney Phil may or may not see his shadow. If he does see his shadow, then there will supposedly be six more weeks of winter. If he does not, then there will be an early spring. This holiday is recognized in the U.S and Canada and has been a tradition for many years. Some choose to observe this holiday and others choose to only view it as another day. Some do not quite understand it.
“I like the use of animals during holidays, but never have understood Groundhog Day,” Freshman Lauren Martini stated.
This year, Phil predicted an early spring. Although this is a special holiday to many, Phil has a staggering 36 percent accuracy rate. This does not seem to weigh down on anyone’s excitement, therefore this day is more for fun than it is for accuracy.
The first ever Groundhog Day was celebrated on February 2, 1887 in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, hence the name. In Pennsylvania, thousands of people gather around to attend the special event and watch in anticipation for the outcome of the event.
On February 2, many will begin to predict the outcome just as Phil does. Some hope for more winter and some hope for warm weather.
“I’m hoping that spring comes because that means that school is almost over,” Freshman Mackenzie Perry stated.
Groundhog Day is a popular holiday to many. There was even a movie made after this special day.
Every year there is a prediction given that may differ from the year before, but the only thing that stays the same is the name given to this special Groundhog. Hopefully this special tradition of a groundhog “predicting” our future will continue on for many generations so that many will be able to enjoy and celebrate this funny yet honorable holiday.

Haven Gutierrez is a Senior at Ripon High school. This is her fourth year in journalism, and she is excited to consistently improve her writing skills...