2022 Club Rush Mania
Ripon High’s annual club rush week was certainly a success. On Friday, Aug. 26, RHS prepared for this exciting day in which students gather around club tables and decide which ones they would like to join. With over 25 different clubs to choose from, this day provides students a chance to become more involved, and find clubs that they are passionate about. Ripon High has a wide variety of clubs, with something special for everyone. If you struggle with being involved, this is the perfect opportunity to branch out and make new friends with mutual interests. If none of the available clubs interest you, then maybe starting your very own club is right for you!

Joining clubs is not only a perfect way to become involved at school, but with Ripon’s community as well. Clubs also offer the opportunity to earn community service hours that some classes at RHS require.
“We do a lot of activities around the school and we also do a lot of stuff for our community too,” says Faith Yuen, junior. “We have a mentor program, where upperclassmen are paired with underclassmen, and we do activities like scavenger hunts and Christmas parties together.”
Certain clubs offered at Ripon high can also assist students later in life, when they are determining which occupation interests them, and where they should start. Clubs such as Scrubs Club volunteer at local hospitals and allow students to better understand the real world and their options.

“The first thing is the medical and dental presentation,” explains Spencer Redula, junior, “so we’re gonna go with our club members and ask them, ‘What do you wanna hear about? Do you wanna become an orthodontist or a pediatrician?’ and we do research and quick presentations on education, gallery and just general ideas to make sure you actually wanna go into this field going into college.” Redula goes on to explain, “I’m going to try to research and contact people, so we can actually volunteer and just be a part of our community.”

Club Rush week also consists of daily spirit days and school-wide competition. This year Monday was Block R sports or freshmen class color yellow, Tuesday was multicultural day or sophomore class color green, Wednesday was military day or junior class color orange, followed by Thursday being FFA professional or senior class color blue. Friday was our usual red and white spirit day, or neon. All in all, Ripon High’s 2022 Club Rush was exciting and action packed, and was the perfect way to kick off the new school year.

Haven Gutierrez is a Senior at Ripon High school. This is her fourth year in journalism, and she is excited to consistently improve her writing skills...

Sophia Hernandez is a Freshman at Ripon High School, she intends on being involved in all the highschool experience has to offer. She hopes to get people...