From the 8th to the 9th of October, Ripon JROTC cadets embarked on a journey to camp. This camp, branded as camp phoenix, was located near Dublin at a U.S. Army base. Its purpose was to challenge individual cadets on both mind and body, to test squad leaders, 1st sergeants, and company commanders in their ability to lead, and to unify the battalion as a whole. For some this was an entirely new experience, others a reminder of their ventures to JROTC camps before, but for all this was an experience no one will soon forget.
The JROTC cadets that left that Tuesday morning took a short bus ride to Dublin, and immediately after unpacking took the very important “Rights of Passage Test.” Throughout the day cadets were expected to work together and cooperate as a whole. Physical education, land navigation, military drill, and complicated obstacle courses were all vital activities at camp. Although training was rigorous, cadets settled down to perform skits, which went over well with the whole battalion. Late Wednesday night cadets returned home, and as for the experience as whole, most cadets were challenged but enjoyed the short trip.
By William K. Hitchcock