Justin Gunning, a senior, finds life in Ripon lacking in adventure. Gunning loves to sneak away from home and participate in his favorite hobby of all time: birdwatching.
“My favorite thing about birdwatching is the beauty of the birds,” Gunning said. “I have other hobbies. I like pigeon racing. Anything involving birds really. I’ve been birdwatching my entire life.”
Gunning devotes many hours to his bird obsession everyday.
“I’d say I go birdwatching about twice a day,” Gunning said. “My favorite type of bird is the Potoo. I’m also part of the Dodo Bird Awareness Club. We get together every Wednesday and just plot on how to inform more people about it.”
Gunning believes birds are the most majestic creatures on Earth. He is amazed by their variety, and the elegant way they carry themselves.
“I have a [red macaw] named Terrance,” Gunning said. “I gave him a haircut that makes him look like a mohawk. Terrance will almost always come with me to communicate with the birds. He actually got in a heated argument with a bald eagle the other day. Poor Terrance got a claw to the face.”
Gunning has developed a motherly love for Terrance after years of raising him from the egg. Unfortunately, Gunning has to keep his hobby a secret from his parents.
“My parents are both deathly afraid of birds,” Gunning said. “They would be mad if they knew I was doing it, so I keep it a secret. I am a closet bird watcher.”
Gunning’s passion for his craft is what drove him to becoming a professional birdwatcher. This summer, he will be traveling to Antarctica for the 150th Annual Birdwatching Competition; Gunning’s parents think he’s going to camp.
“After I die I want to be remembered as nothing more than a bird lover and enthusiast,” Gunning said. “If you’re an aspiring pro birdwatcher, never give up on your dreams and don’t bring your bird birdwatching if you think he might lose in a fight.”