What’s The Buzz on Bug Club?

With a new school year, comes club rush week. This year, a brand new club was created. It’s a very interesting club that most people probably wouldn’t think was a real thing. Bug Club.
“Brendan Ian started the Bug Club and is also the provider of the bugs” senior Sierra Silva said. “Brendan teaches us more about the insects he brings and shows how they are harmless.
The founder of the Bug Club, freshman, Brendan Ian, encourages people to come join Bug Club and learn how bugs aren’t all that scary.
“New things are brought each time and many times it’s things you’ve never seen before. Once you understand that they aren’t out to get you and are actually very fascinating creatures, you will find it easier to at least tolerate them.” Ian said.
Ian has loved bugs for a long time and started the club to share his knowledge and passion with others.
“I’ve loved bugs for a really long time and I thought it’d be nice to show everyone that there’s a whole world of bugs beneath our noses and no one ever notices it.” Ian said.
Bug Club meets every Friday in Mr. Gilman’s classroom to look at new bugs and other small creatures such as frogs and geckos.

Elisabeth Fereria is currently a junior at Ripon High, and is in her second year with the Smoke Signal. Elisabeth loves having a good time with friends,...