Día de Muertos

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The Day of the Dead, or Día De Los Muertos, is a worldwide cultural holiday. Although it originated in Mexico, the Day of the Dead is celebrated all through South America and areas with a large Latin American population. The purpose of the Day of Dead is to gather individuals together and recognize those who have passed away in a wholeheartedly manner.

There are many different routines used to celebrate the Day of the Dead, most famously, there are face painted skeletons, dances, singing, decorated altars, and parties. As a way of hospitality and politeness, families usually gather at member’s graves to clean and decorate them.

“Basically we do altares (altars) where we put their (passed family) favorite food and a picture of them to remember (…) I would love to go during this time (Mexico’s Holiday Celebration) because it displays our culture in a way that shows how if someone who has died, never really dies in our heart,” stated Jose Navarro, junior.

An altar made during the Day of Dead is used as a form of representation to honor all our loved ones. You would find flowers, photos, candles, skulls, food, momentos, etc., on an average altar. Bright orange flowers are also an important portrayal of the holiday, used as a decoration as well as traditional belief. 

“My family makes a small altar at our house where we put pictures of our relatives who have passed away so that when Día De Muertos comes, we can light them candles,” stated Mia Beltran- Vasquez, sophomore.  

The Day of Dead brings a lively celebration to the latin community creating a stronger connection for their culture. It is a celebration of life and death, allowing inclusivity to everyone and acknowledging the commemoration of past relatives. What do you do to celebrate El Día De Muertos?