Track/Field Finals

Track and Field Finals


On Friday, May 13th, the Ripon High track and field team went to Weston Ranch to compete in Finals. At the meet, our school did amazing and got first overall in the girls and boys events. Because our team did so well, a lot of the runners qualified for Masters which is incredibly impressive. RHS should be very proud of their Track and Field team. These individuals really showed off their skills at this meet and proved how talented they all are. 


“I am really happy with how the meet went because I got two huge new PRs in a row after a whole season of not really seeing much improvement but yeah, I just really improved a lot in those last few races. I’m very happy to end the season like that,” said Brett Shaw, freshmen.


At the meet there were a few unexpected twists that happened at the meet. Brett Shaw was put in as a last second alternet, Olivia Maragos ran her events after just recovering from an injury  and Omar Alsaidi broke a few school records! Overall, this meet was very exciting. 


“So I have been practicing all week, not really expecting that I would be able to run but then I got to and I was thrilled so I made the most of it and I am just really happy I was able to qualify and get as far as I did,” Brett Shaw, Freshman.


“This meet was very exciting considering I just came off an injury and I really didn’t expect to do as well as I did but I was so happy and it was such a good feeling. I wish we could have gone farther but we definitely have three more years because we are all freshman so hopefully we got it next year,” Olivia Maragos, Freshman


“Setting two school records is pretty cool but it’s not where I want to be right now. It isn’t about the school records, It’s more about where I am trying to be in terms of Masters rankings,” said Omar Alsaidi, Sophomore.


Ripon High can’t wait to see these runners go as far as they can and to reach their full potential. The opportunity to go to finals was really incredible for RHS. Our Track and Field team has really jumped every hurdle, cleared every pole, and made it to every finish line  to get to where they are now and next year we are coming back even stronger. Next Friday, the team is going to compete in Masters and they are going to crush it!


“I feel very appreciative to come upon the opportunities that I have because before high school, I did not have track and now I have found this great passion for it and I just love doing it so much. I am also glad I found such success in it, my ambitions are high for it and as the years go on I want even more than what I’ve done. Yeah, I can’t wait to just keep on running,”