Beyond The Numbers

     Most athletes at Ripon High School wear a number on their sports jersey, but only very few of these athletes actually have a meaning behind that number and a reason for choosing it. Kennedy Brubaker, Madelyn Winter, and Jackson Everhart are all students at Ripon High, who are among these few athletes.

     “My number is ten and I chose number ten because my sister had number ten for the four years she played water polo, and I wanted to take that number and use it for my four years to keep it living.” says Kennedy Brubaker, senior.

     To Kennedy, keeping her number ten cap meant that she could feel closer to her sister and continue to make an impact like the one her sister made on the team in previous seasons. She has had it all four years, and has recently had to let go of it after her final season ended.

     “My soccer number is eight and it is really important to me because it’s been my number since I first started playing competitively at age seven. Back then I chose it because I was a kid and was about to turn eight, so it just made sense. But I have kept it ever since.” says Madelyn Winter, senior.

     Maddy has always played representing her number eight. Although it was one of those “spur of the moment” decisions,  it has become very special to her over the years and has always stuck with her since the beginning.

     “I wear 24 because Marshawn Lynch, who plays for the Seattle Seahawks wears 24. I just remember growing up always watching him and it was a great experience. He is really inspiring to me as a player and person, and so I picked it.” says Jackson Everhart, freshman

     Jackson played his freshman year of high school football wearing number 24 because of Marshawn Lynch. This player inspires him, and he likes the idea of matching numbers with such an important role model in his life. 

     These athletes, along with so many more, are attached to not only their sport, but also to the number on their backs. 

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