Longer Summer and Shorter In-school Breaks?
In order to have a longer relaxing summer break, you have to make sacrifices. Summer break is always the best, but what about spring break and Christmas break, would you shorten your Christmas break for a longer summer?
Summer break is fun, but what happens when you have to spend Christmas Eve in school. Summer break is fine the way it is, 2 months off school is enough time. If you need more time you should protest on your own time. Most high school students are not willing to give up the amount of breaks and days they have off during the school year for a longer summer break. You also have to take into consideration the seasons, would you want half of your spring or the beginning of fall in summer break? Summer is a good length right now, you have enough time to relax and enough time to prepare for the upcoming school year. Changing the length of summer break will affect your work ethic and schedule during and outside of school. You would have to work around the homework, and summer assignments would be loaded on you. Would you give up in-school breaks for a longer summer break?
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Emily Paxton is in her freshman year at Ripon high school. It is her first year being involved in Smoke Signal News. She is so excited to write and participate...
Brooklyn is a freshmen who is excited to start journalism. She loves reading and writing and expressing her opinion so that is why she got interested in...