Best League is Girls League!

Kylee Brown/ Faith Yuen

Tons of clubs are going on at RHS this year. One, in particular, is your Ripon High Girls League. The president of the girls league is Gabby Delgado and the vice president is Gabbi Ilardi, the advisor of this club is Laura Ochoa. Mrs. Ochoa was actually in the club when she went to Ripon High.

Jayden Quayle/ Brooke Barros

Ochoa says, “I was in the club during high school and I really enjoyed my time in the club. The last advisor was letting the club go and I didn’t want it to disappear so I took it over and I am so happy I did.”

Girls League is an all-girls club where you get paired with a “big” and “little” to get close to for the year. In the club, upper-classmen can continue to come closer to lower-classmen. Seniors are paired with sophomores and juniors are paired with freshmen. The dress-up days for Breast Cancer Awareness week are: Adam Sandler Day, Iconic Duo/Twin Day, Little Miss day, Jersey Day, and Friday is the Pink Out/Red & White! Breast Cancer Awareness week is the week of the 21st, which is our last home game against Escalon for senior night.

Gabbi Ilardi/Cassidy Inglis

Girls League has been selling the new crewnecks and t-shirts for the pink out game.

Katie Martin/Olivia Sierra

The fundraiser is for the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. It is the highest-ranked organization specializing in Breast Cancer Research. 81% of donations go straight to research and the remaining funds cover overhead costs. The club meets on some Wednesdays when they are contacted through Instagram or Remind. People cannot still join the club because they already got paired with our sisters and are planning everything but there is always an opportunity to join next year!

Kylee Brown/Camden Downs