The Hiking Clubs First Adventure

Picture from Sylvia Ochoa, hiking club advisor.

The hiking club, a club that was started up this year by Andrew Copenhaver, a junior, with advising teacher Mrs. Sylvia Ochoa, is going on their first hike after establishing the club. Throughout the year, they have worked extremely hard to get the club in order and ready for regular hikes. They are very excited for next year because they will be able to hike more often throughout the year.

“Next year there will be more hikes and more activities so we’ll be able to do a lot more as compared to this year when we were just starting. So next year will be a lot more fun including a lot more hikes,” said Copenhaver.

For the first hike this year, they went to Stinson Beach on April 22. Copenhaver is very excited about this hike because his family has always loved hikes, the outdoors, and nature and it is something he grew up doing. Copenhaver has been a boy scout for most of his life which is what started his interest in hiking and sparked his idea to start the club. 

“I am a part of boy scouts, I’m an Eagle Scout, so I always loved hikes, my family loves nature, so I thought a hiking club would be cool,” stated Copenhaver.

If you love hikes as much as Copenhaver, make sure to join the club next year to be a part of it and go on many fun hikes. 

Dillan Saltsman, senior hiking club member, doing math on the trail for extra credit.