Blast from the Past


Mom jeans, scrunchies, and sweater vests have made an appearance in 2021 trends! 2000s, 90’s, 80’s, and 70’s fashion has returned to our generation and is taking over the world.


 Lots of things have changed over the years, but fashion is always evolving. From old time dresses, to ripped jeans and shorts. The leg warmers for a day out in town and the funky patterns for a night with friends was a signature move in the 90’s and 80’s. What trends are most popular now and were then? Mom jeans, fun flannels, and low waisted jeans are making a strong comeback. 

“I love incorporating old styles into daily outfits because they’re super cute and clothing always makes a full cycle. Honestly, every clothing that’s popular right now is from the 2000s, just because that’s the trend. I can’t blame them!” said Brooke Barros, junior.

Sparkly Victoria’s Secret tops from the 2000s era are definitely a move for a fun outfit. Bubble braids and miss me jeans have also been reappearing in our fashion. Pairing a cute shoulder bag and a baby style tee is also a great idea! 

What’s your favorite trend from the past years? Do you like them more than the new and interesting fashion statements? Fashion is always a constant cycle and forever will always make comebacks to different generations.

“ I try to incorporate accessories, maybe even just statement pieces like jackets or anything like that.” said Claire Morris, freshman.

Little articles of clothing or fancy dresses showing off your decade spirit is always a great way to dress out or in. Do you like past outfit trends?


“Mom jeans I wear everyday, I don’t wear any other types of jeans!” said Katie Rhodes, sophomore.