Everyone’s Favorite Hooligan, Miss Hyatt
Hey you hooligans, if you have seen or know Miss Hyatt, you know her very spontaneous, creative teaching style and fun personality that always finds a way to bring the classroom alive. If you do not already know who she is, Miss Hyatt is an Ag teacher at Ripon High who teaches Farm to Fork, Intro to Food and Ag, Environmental Science, and Food Science. She has been teaching for three to three and a half years now, but was a student teacher for Ripon High before she became a part of the staff.
“I wanted to become a teacher because of my Ag teacher in high school. I just really gravitated toward the program and all it had to offer and would help my Ag teacher with fairs, judging teams and I really enjoyed it,” stated Miss Hyatt.
Not only is she a fun, sweet, creative person in school but she is also outside of our school walls. She is the kind of person who loves baking different types of bread and sometimes even singing. She will even put great hits on in her classroom in the background, usually listening and jamming out to her favorite, Queen.
“I like to sing, I’m not the best at it but it’s fun,” stated Hyatt.
Moreover, Miss Hyatt’s genuine, kind spirit can bring anyone up around her, especially her students. Making the class environment fun, and always finding some creative ways to teach in the classroom. With the easy-goingness of her classroom, many relationships are bonded between her and her hooligans (students) that will never be broken.
“I pride myself on my relationships with my hooligans and just having fun in class. That’s one of my biggest accomplishments,” stated Hyatt.
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Jenny Pfeifer is a Junior at RHS. This is her third year being a part of RHS Smoke Signal and FFA. Her favorite part of Journalism is being able to know...