Inside the Life of Laura Ochoa


Have you ever wondered how the yearbook looks so great year after year? What about the Girls League events? Laura Ochoa, an English and yearbook teacher, has worked hard to create many events for students to have a better high school experience. She even goes out of her way to support her students in their activities. 

    Ochoa currently teaches AP English Language and Composition, as well as Expository Reading and Writing. She advises the Girls League, Multicultural Club, and Disney Club, as well as co-advises Speech and Debate. She also teaches the yearbook class, which allows for the Ripon High yearbook to be produced each year. 

    “My favorite part of it [advising clubs] is getting to know students I don’t have in the classroom. I’ve gotten to know a lot of students as freshmen, so I really do enjoy that part of it,” states Ochoa. 

She has the joy of knowing younger students and watching them grow up through clubs, which is something she truly values. The connections and relationships formed from activities such as clubs are ones that last through the students’ highschool years, and for some, even continue into adulthood. 

“I like to support students when they have their own competitions. I like to keep in touch with them outside of school. They really are a big part of my social life and freetime,” said Ochoa. 

Ochoa puts everything she has into her job, this even includes freetime. Going out to show love to students gives the impression that they are cared about. Teachers who do this, like Ochoa, get back the same support from students, including those who are not in the teacher’s class. 

“All of it is really just for fun,” states Ochoa when asked why she advises multiple clubs.