Briley Perez Wins Almond Blossom Queen
The Almond Blossom Queen was crowned at coronation for the 2022 year on Thursday, Feb, 24 at Ripon Community Center. This year there were 15 contestants, five from Ripon Christain and 10 from Ripon High. The three titles possible were Miss Congeniality, First Runner Up, and Almond Blossom Queen/Miss Ripon. Ripon Chrisitain girls took all three, with Katherine Van Unen as Miss Congeniality, Ruth Visser as First Runner Up, and Briley Perez as the 2022 Miss Ripon. Perez will be Almond Blossom Queen for the weekend of celebration and continue on as Miss Ripon until Feb. 2023, when she will pass the crown to next year’s winner.
Miss Ripon is a traditional town competition that takes place yearly during the Almond Blossom celebration. Girls who are in their junior year of high school and live in Ripon compete to represent the town. The winner was selected based on scores from a panel of judges. Each contestant took part in a speech, personal interview, blind essay, and a fashion show, where they could earn up to 20 points per event.
“My favorite parts of the night have to be the moment after being crowned. I was able to celebrate my victory with my friends and family,” expressed Perez.
Coronation night was a huge success. 2022 was the 60th anniversary of the Almond Blossom Festival coronation. There were more girls than ever before on the stage awaiting the results, as a way to celebrate the anniversary. The family’s of each girl and members of the community came together to support the girls and the future Miss Ripon.
“I will always remember coronation night, as it provided me with a once in a lifetime opportunity to be a part of a tradition that has lasted 60 years and serve my hometown that I’ve grown up in,” Perez continued.
The connotation process will be one the girls will never forget. The anticipation built up in each one of them as they walked down the aisle with a member of Ripon High JROTC. They then sat down on the stage listening to Naomi Wilbur speak on her experience as the 2021 winner and finally announce who won the three titles.
“Both the investment of time and effort and the months-long waiting process for the results definitely boosted the energy in the room, and I was elated to know that it had paid off in the end,” Perez concluded.

Annie Wild is a senior at Ripon High School. She runs on the school's cross country and track teams. Wild is taking journalism to improve her writing style...