Why Schools Should Offer More Than One Foreign Language


     Ripon High currently offers Spanish as its only foreign language class. Learning a new language should be a fun and exciting experience, but because Spanish is very common and a large percentage of students already speak it fluently, it is not such a fun experience. 

     Since so many already speak it, it is either a breeze, or just plain boring for them. This isn’t fair to the students who struggle with the subject, but have the same expectations, and it makes it really difficult to learn when the other students around are not paying attention, as they already know the material. It’s the same thing as putting a Math II Honors student in a Math I Honors class; Since they know the material, they won’t care to listen and won’t learn anything new. It’s pretty much a waste of their time.

     Some kids who already speak Spanish actually get really frustrated with the idea of having to take a Spanish class. These students have spoken this language since they could walk, and taking it as a graded class is such a waste of a year.   

     25 percent of the people in California can speak spanish. This is ¼ of our population, and seeing as a good number of these people are infants or toddlers, I see that as a very large amount. So, for the sake of that same 25%, we really should have another option. 

     Ripon high requires each student to take a foreign language or an art class to graduate. A lot of students choose the foreign language option, as they are required to take at least a year or two to get into most colleges. But why cram hundreds of students into Spanish classes, when so many of them would be so much more interested in another language such as French, or even Chinese?

     Having the opportunity to take a different language is something that should be offered in all school systems. School is a place where students come to learn and grow, but how can they grow if they are being held back from their capabilities. Not only will another language option allow students to expand their knowledge, but it will also allow them to learn about the world, other cultures, and be more knowledgeable in languages other than English or Spanish. 

     Some schools in California offer Spanish as the only foreign language because it is the 2nd most spoken language in California and the most useful language to know. But, some kids just honestly are not interested in learning Spanish. They would rather learn an exciting language that looks good on their records, or even just a language that makes them feel closer to family and friends. 

     The majority of courses offered at Ripon High have different level or style options based on the students’ learning abilities or their level of interest. There are honors options for math, science, english, history- you name it. There are numerous AG classes, AP classes, art classes, and sport options. What makes language so different? 

      Students would be so much more willing to learn new languages if it was something they were interested in. More opportunities means more possibilities. 

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