Dream Interpretations

Have you ever had a strange and unusual dream before? A dream that you still remember to this day, but don’t know the psychological significance behind it? For centuries, doctors and psychologists intrigued with the mind have searched endlessly for the meaning behind these visions that we all have at night, but we don’t always remember. Several factors can play into what you dream about at night, whether it be problems or certain excitement in your life that enters your unconscious mind, they are all different for everyone. Some of the most common types of dreams include falling, teeth falling out, doing something embarrassing in public, or doing something stressful such as taking a test. Dreams are the body’s way of reminding us about our specific concerns or fears most of the time. Although we can guess and hypothesize about what dreams are truly caused by, we can truthfully only explain it with science. Although dreams may seem simple and easy to explain, the most common and logical explanation isn’t always the correct one.
Psychologists have hypothesized several different ideas and theories that may explain, but psychologist Sigmund Freud believed that dreams explained our unconscious desires, wants, or even fears. On the other hand, we’re not likely to desire nightmares or being chased in a dream, leading us once again back to theorizing dream interpretations. One of the more common types of dreams, such as plummeting to your death, may involve feelings of being overwhelmed or being out of control in your daily life. Falling may also allude to feelings of insecurity about a certain aspect of yourself or your life. Dreaming about teeth falling out or being loose is also commonly dreamed, usually being explained as a form of some unreleased anxiety, or you are experiencing a big change or transition in your life. Taking a really important test or exam in a dream has been known to manifest itself in dreams, relating back to work problems, since you feel the need to explain or prove yourself, and for most, school was our first job and important aspect that we had to manage by ourselves in our daily lives. Other dreams, such as being helpless or being unable to move or speak, have a more scientific reasoning to explain it. During the REM, or better known as rapid eye movement, cycle of sleep, our bodies are essentially paralyzed and incapable of moving during this period of time, which our brain may unconsciously notice and expel through our dreams.
Pleasant dreams, such as experiencing your daily life, being in a position of power, or visiting a loved one that has passed away have a different type of explanation. Dreams involving a loved one who has died can be the body’s way of addressing feelings of sadness or missing that person. Dreams, in a way, are a form of healing, and a time for the body to surface unconscious tensions in our daily life. Feeling powerful, or being in a place of power, may actually be compensating for the dreamer feeling helpless in their daily life. Those emotions that we choose to hold back and not express will most of the time manifest themselves through our dreams and unconscious mind. Even if you may not realize you are experiencing a certain emotion, typically dreams will reveal how you truly feel about something. Since the beginning of time, humans have been completely fascinated by dreams and how to interpret them. During the Greek and Roman eras, they tended to believe that dreams were messages that they were receiving from either God, or those who had died. Later on in history, Aristotle believed that dreams could aid in the diagnosing of mental illnesses and other physiological functions. Different forms of recording our dreams have also been used, whether that be hieroglyphics, clay tablets, a journal, or any other form of writing, humans have always wanted to remember and record their meanings, because they knew that they held significance and should be analyzed.
In conclusion, dreams have always been studied, analyzed, and recorded for a very long time. Psychologists and scientists have been fascinated and intrigued with dreams and their meanings. Some dreams have underlying meanings, whereas others are very superficial and don’t really hold any meaning. Either way, studying and analyzing your dreams could be a great way to better understand your emotions and unconscious mind. Lots of people decide to keep a dream journal to be able to look back and remember weeks or even months later, which may prove to be beneficial in organizing your thoughts and feelings.
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Haven Gutierrez is a Senior at Ripon High school. This is her fourth year in journalism, and she is excited to consistently improve her writing skills...