Violent Video Games; A Gateway to Aggression
It is no question that video games have become one of the most popular past times in today’s culture with approximately 90% of children who play them on a regular basis, 85% of those containing violence. Issues have arisen as to if violent video games have a negative impact on society, especially the youth.
According to an article found on, “In reviewing more than 150 research papers, the task force found a consistent relationship between the games and an increase in ‘aggressive behavior’ as well as a decrease in ‘prosocial behavior’, empathy, and sensitivity to aggression…”.
Although playing violent video games is not the only influence for aggressive behavior, it is a common worry for parents with young children that too much time with these games will begin to make negative behavior acceptable.
“When kids are exposed to violent behaviors at a young age, they can begin to demonstrate similar behaviors. When children are young, their social skills are demonstrated with what they are exposed to even prior to knowing if the behaviors are right or wrong. For example, instead of a 5 year old learning to keep his hands to himself when frustrated or provoked by another child, Star Wars video games tell him to respond with force and use his hands,” local parent Rachelle Souza stated.
Common association with violence and aggression within entertainment is an issue that even teens are extremely aware of.
“I think it CAN have a negative impact on people depending on how much a person lets themselves be influenced. Once they start implying/demonstrating the violence they see, that’s when it becomes a problem,” an anonymous student stated.
In addition to video games, violent movies and aggressive language are a common concern among people.
“I believe society has made violence acceptable due to all of the violence in movies, on t.v., and in video games. Aggressive and negative language have an impact as well,” Senior Tommy Mulder claimed.
The impact of violent video games and entertainment has a negative stigma among many parents and students and leads to more concerns about whether these kinds of entertainment should be moderated in order to ensure safe, violent free environments.
“Not a positive opinion [on violent games, movies, and language], especially combined with the use of iPads and technology. Instead of society learning to interact with each other respectively and on a healthy level, they are influencing themselves with watching violent ways to respond on a regular basis. This effects [them] negatively with their responses to others. I feel it can be okay with moderation and age appropriate levels. I see this more with aggressive language more than violent physical behaviors,” Souza claimed.

Gracyn Taylor is currently a junior at Ripon High School and this is her first year with the RHS Smoke Signal staff. She is looking forward to creating...