Another One in the Books: Ms. Lausier
New faces are always great to see, especially when it comes to new teachers at Ripon High. After graduating from Stanislaus, receiving her bachelor’s degree in English and student teaching for one year, Ms. Lausier has begun teaching English to our students here in Ripon High.
“Growing up, I always excelled in English […] so I decided, why not make a career out of it?” teacher Ms. Lausier says.
Because of her natural talent in what she teaches, she very much enjoys teaching the younger generation her passion for English. Being a teacher to her is rewarding, knowing that she can share the knowledge she’s learned and to hopefully inspire her students through her teaching. Of course, most people do have a backup plan, or something else that they are passionate about.
“When I was a kid, I thought I was going to be famous, you know like those kids who always dream of wanting to become a famous singer. That was me.” she says.
Almost everyone when they were little had a crazy dream to be famous, or to be a singer or dancer, and Ms. Lausier’s no different. Although, as she got older, her passion changed to something a little more common and practical. Now, she loves what she does after soon finding her passion in English.
“There’s a lot of people that I admire, but for sure it would be my mom […] She puts up with a lot and she’s one of my biggest heroes in my life,” Lausier said.
We all have someone in our lives that inspire us to follow our dreams and to pursue what we want to in our lives, and for Ms. Lausier, her mom is that person. She inspires her to follow what she loves and pursue it, which is what makes her mom admirable and important in Ms. Lausier’s life.
“ I just hope that they [the students] are able to take at least one important thing that they can take with them in the future or that can impact their lives so that they can make better choices,” Lausier said.

Isaiah Estolas is a junior who just joined Ripon High this year. This is also his first year in journalism. His personal goals this year is to get to know...