Rushing into Involvement: Club Rush

It’s that time of year again; school has started. Students are eager to go back to Ripon High and take part in the many activities that the school has to offer. In the beginning of the year students were able to do so through our annual club rush. Club rush is a way for students to get more involved with the school and further their experience at Ripon High.

The week of the 26th through 30th was our annual club rush week. During that week, students took part in dress up days, in which each day had an assigned theme. The themes of the dress up days coordinated to represent some of the clubs that were available this year.

Alyssa Jones, an involved senior, said, “I really love how the lunch is extended because that truly gives each student enough time to get food, buy class shirts, and sign up for any and all clubs that they may want to be a part of.”

Then going on to club rush day, where students were able to join whatever club that interested them. Students didn’t have to stress about any time limit nor were they rushed to get their food and still have time to join clubs. That day, students had an hour of lunch to roam around looking at the things that were available. 

It was really cool being able to walk around and get a barbecue that day. The line to get the food was pretty big but the food was good and I enjoyed myself.

— Abigail Campos

With the extended lunch, students were also presented with a barbecue. The barbecue was indeed a huge hit. From the beginning of our break you could see the long line of people lined up to get their food. Afterwards students had enough time to go sign up for clubs and then go back to class.

Club rush week is filled with more and more chances to be involved with the school. Being able to do something that interests you and gets you closer to school is a great feeling. 

Both students and teachers had an awesome club rush week, being able to get closer to the school and having a fun week to hype up actual club rush. This week was filled with fun and excitement and we all can’t wait for what next years club rush has for us.

“We had an awesome barbeque and a had a fun time looking around at all the clubs!” freshman Taryn Escola said.