Making Friends Revolving FFA

Making friends and bonds with new people in different parts of the country is always something to look forward to. Six of our Ripon High students had the opportunity to do just that and more at this year’s Future Farmers of America FFA national convention and expo. 

This convention took place on the 30th of August all the way to the 2nd of November in Indianapolis, Indiana. Students took part in activities such as workshops, in which they would be taught numerous skills and more. This convention, as big of an opportunity it was to attend, it wasn’t just for learning purposes. In these workshops, students were able to meet new people and get close with other students from other states. 

“One thing I looked forward to was definitely creating bonds with people from other states while participating in activities regarding something I love,” said Senior Angelina Cortez.

This convention was also a very special event to the teachers as well. As much as it was important to the students, it was also important for the teachers as well. Teachers were able to go and enjoy watching the students experience the fun of being in a new environment with people who have the same interests as them.

“I always enjoy bonding with the students on the way over there and back, it’s always wonderful to see the kids enjoy themselves and the environment they surround themselves in,” said FFA advisor Celeste Morino.

There is a big misunderstanding regarding FFA and how it is only about being a farmer, but it is amazing the fact that events like these prove those people wrong. This event brought people to realize that being apart of FFA can not only bring way into amazing learning experiences, but can also bring you new lasting friendships, bonds and memories.

“Since this is a one in a lifetime event, I make sure to make it the most I can as possible, doing the workshops and activities there was something That I’ll remember for a long time.” stated by FFA sentinel, Kyle Blankenship.