Election Duel of the School
As the ballots get distributed, applications also go out for some of RHS’s crucial classes. Leadership is one of those. Many people this year ran unopposed, but voting and school support is just as important. A new reign of leaders will come about next year and the students of RHS are the people who choose.
“Ever since I was a freshman, I wanted to be ASB President. I wanted to make a difference at this school,” future ASB President and Junior Niki Nguyen said.
The people who were running for ASB positions have been in the program for a while, but can still learn from the words of others. One person in the program currently offers his advice.
Leadership is an elective, a completely optional class, so these people are volunteering their time to make the experience at Ripon High an amazing one. This is a novel thing these people do. Thanks to them, the World’s Greatest Highschool has amazing rallies, spirit days, and others. In order to ensure the year is amazing, future ASB Vice President and Junior Kate Villegas tells us what to consider when voting.
“People should definitely just bring into account how much effort people are putting into their campaigns, what they’re actually saying in their speech, what kind of person they are, and not just what they hear people say about them or just because they recognize their face,” Villegas explained.
There is a bright school year in our future with these people. The Activities Director, Mrs. Mortensen describes what she is most excited about in the upcoming school year.
“I think what’s exciting is that we are seeing students who want to be future leaders with the goal of improving our campus, making a positive atmosphere, creating bigger and better events, knowing that they have that passion for their school,” Mrs. Mortensen said.

So far, Freshman Dillan Saltsman is loving it at Ripon High School! He is a very avid reader and writer, and his favorite subjects in school right now...