Valentine’s Day at RHS

Valentines Day has come around again and this year’s leadership class is here to make it as memorable as possible. This week has been filled with a lot of fun and many programs that allow students to have a positive experience.

One of the great programs was match-o-matics. Match-o-matics is a fundraiser that allows students to take a survey based on their interests. This survey will calculate your possible matches based on percentage. There is more to match-o-matics than just being matched with someone. This gives you other results such as facts based off of your horoscope and gives you possible friend matches. This year alone there were 206 students and 21 staff who participated. The chance of you finding a new friend for students and staff was likely.

Valentines Day is not just the time to appreciate your significant other, but is also the time to appreciate your friends and those around you. The leadership class does just that and takes part in making valentine hearts for every student in the school. Each valentine heart contains something designed for each individual such as a motivational quote, a compliment, or anything positive related to the student. This does not just show positivity around the school, but also gives everyone something to look forward to looking at every year.

“I was really surprised when I saw the full of hearts, filled with compliments and was even more surprised when I found my name without knowing this was a thing for everyone. Although the compliment I got was corny, it definitely made my day,” Freshman Jocelyn González said.

The month of February is about showing love to those around you and to your loved ones. These programs conducted by the Leadership class do that and create a positive environment for all the students here at Ripon High. 

“Valentine’s was really fun this year, from the valentine hearts to seeing who I was matched with. I didn’t think it was going to be this fun and I didn’t really know what was going to go on this week, but it was really fun,” Freshman Yissel soto stated.