Social Distancing Workout Routines
For some people, being stuck indoors all day is super boring. Being unable to go out and spend time with friends or go shopping is surprisingly draining, but what about staying active? How could we stay in shape during this time? It turns out, there are numerous ways to stay in shape without even having to go to the gym.
Most students get their daily cardio workouts mostly from physical education classes during school hours. Since the schools are closed, it could be hard to figure out what you could do to make up for it. Some students have their own way of staying in shape at home during these times at home.
“I have some workout equipment that me and my dad use in the garage just to stay occupied instead of sitting on our butts 24/7,” says Junior Connor Guinan.
For those who do not have gym equipment, they use everyday household items to workout. Whether you’re running up and down your stairs or lifting heavy boxes around the house, there are many ways to continue your daily workouts to stay active.
“I usually just slide my feet underneath my backpack when I do sit ups to make it easier for myself, or I do box jumps on my bed,” says Sophomore Logan Hartsock.
Another way to stay active is to play sports, but it’s hard to do that indoors without breaking furniture or annoying your parents. Some have found ways to improvise such as floor hockey or playing catch in the backyard.
“My sister and I use this indoor hockey set we bought years ago which is a lot of fun.[…] It really beats watching TV all day,” Junior Marcus Ray said.
There are many ways to stay in shape both indoors and outdoors so be sure to stay fit and stay healthy!

Isaiah Estolas is a junior who just joined Ripon High this year. This is also his first year in journalism. His personal goals this year is to get to know...