“Too early” for Christmas lights!?
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! The time of holiday lights, warm fuzzy socks, and sitting around the fire. Have you ever wondered about the people who put their lights up early? Some say it’s done because of love for Christmas. Others say it’s “religious.” Either way, they do a good job in spreading the Christmas spirit!
“I think early Christmas lights provide a happy holiday atmosphere. They also add some warmth and brightness to the dull cold of winter,” says freshman Jasleen Hayre.
Hayre speaks for many when she talks about early Christmas lights and their “happy holiday atmosphere,” something we could really use this year. We need some positivity and joy. Christmas is the time everyone looks forward to, and seeing these early Christmas lights can stir excitement, reminding others of what is just around the corner! Perhaps people want to spread the holiday cheer, get others in a festive mood. That is, after all, what Christmas is all about.
“Sometimes my neighbors leave their Christmas lights up all year. I never really understand why, but I think it’s because maybe they get too lazy or they just forget,” remarks freshman Anniston Holck.
This is a different take on the subject. Some people may not feel the need to take down Christmas lights, just to put them back up again the next year. Everyone has that one person in their neighborhood with Christmas lights up all year.
There are many religious holidays in both November and December, aside from Christmas. One of the most popular, Hanukkah, includes putting up lights. Hanukkah is also known as The Festival of Lights. This started on Dec. 10. There’s another holiday called Diwali, celebrated on Nov. 4. They exchange gifts and put lights up, just as people who celebrate Christmas do. This could appear as though they have put up early Christmas lights.
“We have a lot of fun together decorating the house and combining our creativity. I love early Christmas lights!” exclaims Hayre.

As Isabella Miller’s first year in Journalism, being a Freshman, she hopes to have fun with everything she does. She also wants to keep a 4.0 average....