FFA Cultivates Successful Convention
“Cultivating Our Legacy” This is the motto that FFA members live by.
Last week they all took part in the FFA conference in Davis, CA starting on March 15. Thank you to the teachers Celeste Morino and Sherry Johns for stepping up to be in charge of this successful trip. As they got there on Wednesday, they toured UC Davis and got a brief presentation that covered what they would be doing throughout the days there. That same night they went to the Ontario Conference Center which had different workshops.
Thursday was a free day in the morning so the students had a chance to explore and meet new people. Later on they had a session and were introduced to the state officers.
Moving onto Friday, they had another morning session. Then a national officer spoke to the members. After that they gave out awards for scholarships. Once that was all over they had leadership workshops. Later on they ended the night with a session.
To start off the morning on Saturday they had another session. After, they gave out more awards. Later on the students had lunch which then led to an afternoon session. In that session a girl speaker spoke about women and agriculture.
Once students were well informed about that they gave out more awards. After a productive three days, the members had a fun event called “FFA’s Got Talent”, where they saw many students give amazing performances. Later on they had an FFA chela concert. To end that bonding night they heard some amazing singers sing and play instruments.
Sunday, March 19 was their last day there. To wrap it all up they had a morning closing session and re-elected new officers for next year.
“It was a really good experience,” states Abby Stewart, sophomore. “Our group was fun and it was really interesting to see a bunch of other chapters and get to meet new people.”
Overall many will say it was a success. Until next time, Future Farmers of America!

Ashley Campos is a junior at Ripon High. She has been part of the program for three years. This year she is secretary. Ashley would like this year to be...