For This, I am Thankful
Holiday season; a time for family, friends, and lots of food. For most of us, Thanksgiving is a great way to see the people we care about and catch up with our busy lives. But for others, it is also a way to make memories that last forever. To independent study instructor and ASB Leadership teacher Jill Mortensen, the holidays are very special.
“My grandfather was famous for his deviled eggs and cutting the turkey. He taught me as a child and young adult to take over his duties, and to this day, I search for that best part of meat on the turkey that he and I used to share so many years ago,” Mortensen said.
As Mortensen mentioned, traditions are very common with families, primarily during this time of year. Whether it’s something as simple as sharing a meal, or something as crazy as having a pumpkin-throwing competition, everyone enjoys this November holiday for their own special reason. Zoe Bremer, who is currently a freshman at Ripon High, has a fun way to celebrate Thanksgiving with her family.
“One family tradition in my family is my dad cooking the turkey himself. He takes great care with it and finishes in time for lunch, because he likes to eat it for lunch and dinner. We also like to watch football throughout the day with all of our friends and family,” Bremer stated.
Although everyone tends to get caught up in the fun and traditions of the holiday, they still remember what it’s all about. And, cheesy as it may seem, we have to think about what we’re grateful for. To our principal at Ripon High, Keith Rangel, family is extremely important, whether it is the one you live with or the one you work with.
“I am thankful everyday for the blessings I continue to receive from my friends and family. We have a wonderful support staff and teachers that care about students and making a positive impact on so many,” Rangel said. “I give thanks that I can give back to the great community of Ripon and serve RHS. It is an honor and privilege to serve students and all staff in helping to make RHS the world’s greatest high school.”

Sophia Taylor is a sophomore at Ripon High and currently in her second year of Journalism. Her goal for the Smoke Signal staff this year is to get more...