A Look into the Freshman Mind

Freshman year is very chaotic. Most kids aren’t used to all of the homework, walking, to every class, all the new faces, and especially waking up early. Managing all the sports, homework, and teachers is a hassle. 

“In my opinion I expected the teachers to be cool because it’s high school and we’re supposed to have fun. The teachers turned out to be fun and there to help you when you may need them,” Freshman Taylor Burton said. 

Burton had expected the teachers to be fun and nice to talk to. It can be overwhelming for students to have seven teachers, but Burton enjoys chatting and seeing them every day. Taylor adores all of her teachers she has. 

“The football games are really fun and they are a good way to hang out with friends and enjoy the game, I usually take pictures, hang out, and watch the game,” Freshman Alexis McCleary said. 

McCleary enjoys the game hanging with friends, messing around, and watching the football game. She mainly talks with friends and hangs out but makes sure to watch the game too.

“It’s fun besides the test, I love hanging out with my friends but I don’t have all my friends in my classes,” Freshman Grace Garza said. 

 Garza likes school but doesn’t like how most of her best friends aren’t in all of her classes. She usually is fine with getting up early and getting welcomed with all her friends. 

“I expected the dances to be really fun, meaning a lot longer than Elementary School. There were different schools, louder music, and higher energy. My expectations were pretty much met. I also love going to the dances with a group of friends,” Freshman Asia Rose said. 

Rose likes high school dances compared to elementary school dances because she loves the energy it gave her and lively music. Asia will tend to many more dances in the future.

High school is a journey that has ups and downs like a roller coaster that everyone rides. There are plenty of new friends to meet, activities to do, and things to learn! As Mr. Keith Rangel says, “Get involved!”