The Meaning Of Christmas To Us


Throughout the years, the holiday season has dramatically changed, but the one thing that seems to have never changed is the family values related to this time of year.

It means having an excuse to see your family that you barely ever see and it means celebrating something with the family you see everyday

— Jackson

 “My family has an extended family party with all my cousins, aunts, and uncles,” said freshman Olivia Kahler. Christmas has turned into a commercialized holiday about spending money, however family has never changed. 

“Normally, I just hang out with family and sometimes we’ll go bowling Christmas Eve, if we can,” junior Ashley Jackson stated. 

Christmas is the one holiday about giving and spending time with family. As a kid you believe in Santa and that becomes the representation of Christmas, but as we get older we realize that the true meaning is giving to others. 

“It means having an excuse to see your family that you barely ever see and it means celebrating something with the family you see everyday,” Jackson said. 

Every year, Christmas fills our hearts with hope and selflessness, giving gifts being a huge part of the holidays. There are many different religious beliefs that relate to the holidays, but the one thing that stays the same is family.

“Christmas to me means that I get to celebrate Jesus with family and friends,” Kahler said.