Helping Hearts through Sacred Heart


Recently, in the world, there have been several GoFundMe pages or big charity groups that reach people in need. Similar to those, there is one club called Sacred Heart at Ripon High who also contributes to make the world a better place.

For the last five years, Sacred Heart has been holding several fundraisers for countless reasons. Last year the money they raised was used to help people and schools in Africa. This year Sacred Heart‘s main goal is to collect money so they can help build homes for the poor. 

The club president, Ana Perez explains that the club holds fundraisers so they can earn funds to gain resources that would be used for projects they want to do.

“It’s important to us because we just feel that charity work and doing stuff to serve other people, not just ourselves, is super important. And it’s not stressed enough, but having a club on campus that has that as our main goal just gives not only us but also Ripon High a way to give back, not just to Ripon but also just to so many other communities, people, and organizations,” said Ana Perez.

The club’s treasurer, Anthony Sausedo talked about the effect the club has had on him and why he plans on being a part of Sacred Heart.

“This club has helped me be more aware of the struggles that people around me endure every day, and it has allowed me to make a positive impact on those people in need and give back to my community. I do plan on being in Sacred Heart for the rest of high school because I want to continue to be involved in this type of work and be able to grow as a person as well,” Sausedo said.

The club gives members a new opportunity to become community contributors while doing other activities in high school. 

Mr.Perez, a history teacher at Ripon High, is also part of Sacred Heart. He holds the meetings and helps collect fundraisers.

“The goal is to build houses this year. Last year we gave money to build a well in Africa, donated money to school and also helped out people in need in the Ripon High community […] This year we’ve raised four thousand seven hundred dollars so far,” Perez explained. 

The club asks for more students to join and support the fundraisers like the canned food drive so that they can do more activities to give back. Anyone could be like the Sacred Heart club members by doing small acts to show their appreciation toward the community. It also allows students to feel the pleasure of helping people, not only in Ripon but in other countries that continue to struggle every day.